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Shen-Atlas of Acupuncture
Large Intestine Channel (Hand-Yangming)
The Large Intestine Channel begins at the radial corner of the nail of the index finger. It passes between the second
and third metacarpal bone through the anatomical snuffbox and reaches the radial side of the forearm. It ascends to
the lateral edge of the transverse cubital crease of the elbow, and runs between the lateral head of the triceps muscle
and the brachioradialis muscle to the anterior aspect of the deltoideus muscle. From there the Large Intestine Channel
continues to ascend to the shoulder and through LI 15. The Channel branches behind the acromion to CV 14, crosses
the shoulder and reaches ST 12 in the supraclavicular fossa.
From ST 12 the internal pathway enters the thorax and connects with the Lungs, traverses the diaphragm and
descends to enter the large intestine.
The surface pathway of the Large Intestine Channel ascends along the lateral aspect of the neck and reaches the lower
jaw, internally it enters into the gum and supplies the lower teeth. It then curves around the lips, crosses the philtrum
at the midline, and reaches the opposite side of the nose. The Channel terminates at LI 20.
Point Qualifications:
LI 01
Jing-Well Point, Metal Point
LI 02
Ying-Spring Point, Water Point
LI 03
Shu-Stream Point, Wood Point
LI 04
Yuan-Source Point
LI 05
Jing-River Point, Fire Point
LI 06
Luo-Connecting Point
LI 07
Xi-Cleft Point
LI 11
He-Sea Point, Earth Point
BL 25
Back-Shu Point of the Large Intestine
ST 25
Front-Mu Alarm Point of the Large intestine